What we buy

SWAP’s policy is to mainly consign your items. However, we occasionally and selectively seek to buy authentic pre-owned luxury goods that fit our niche at a fair market value. We focus on items in gently used, like new, or new condition, with no significant defects. We offer competitive prices that will depend on the condition and popularity of the bags. Usually, this amount will be roughly 50% of its potential sale price online.

We currently buy items from the following designers: Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin* We accept shoes that are in “Like new” or “New” condition.

Simply email us photos of each bag you would like to sell and ee will email you with a buyout price quote within 48 hours.

Once the price is established, print off the email we send you and send it with your item(s). We issue payments the latest 5 business day after we receive it in order to ensure authenticity is established.

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